Authors |
Probina Sofia Sergeevna, Postgraduate student, Interregional Open Social Institute (28 Prokhorova street, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. The family, motherhood, childhood and fatherhood are socially significant institutions of society. However, if the first three have been sufficiently researched, the fatherhood institution is poorly studied. The article analyzes the legislation to regulate the rights and duties of the father in the family in the context of the principle of equality of parental rights.
Materials and methods. The sources of the present research were normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, in particular the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Family code of the Russian Federation. The following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, formal legal, comparative legal.
Results. The article brings to a clonclusion that for the most part the rights and obligations of the father and the mother according to the legislation of the Russian Federation are equal. The realization of rights and responsibilities by fathers, enshrined in legislation, largely depends on the attitude of fathers themselves. The article discusses issues concerning actualization of the role of fatherhood in the Russian society.
Conclusions. The author emphasizes the necessity of strengthening the institution of fatherhood in the Russian Federation, enhancing the role of the father in strengthening the family institution.
Key words |
father, mother, institution of fatherhood, principle of equality of the rights of parents, family
References |
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